
How to format your content, and the extra options available to you.

For those who work on written content in Markdown, we provide some extra features that enable you to use more advanced formatting with minimal effort.

Markdown Extensions


Custom Plugin

We created a custom for articles that need formal citations. The plugin provides a simple way to add citations and a bibliography to your articles.

All citations use the APA style.

Note: We haven't finished making changes to this plugin. In particular, the following limitations exist:

  • It is impossible to cite arbitrary websites. We plan to add support for this based on oEmbed data later.
Book: |cite: 1440838119|

DOI: |cite: 10.1038/s41598-021-89232-1|



Book: [1]

DOI: [2]


Alexander, S. E., Abbott, G., Aisbett, B., Wadley, G. D., Hnatiuk, J. A., & Lamon, S. (2021). Total testosterone is not associated with lean mass or handgrip strength in pre-menopausal females. Scientific Reports, 11(1). Milner, A. N., & Braddock, J. H., II. (2016). Sex Segregation in Sports. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Color Chips


This feature renders a small colour chip alongside code elements containing hex codes, allowing readers to see the colour at a glance.





Articles tend to contain a lot of information, and thus often end up getting long. However, on some pages, we don't want to display the entire article, such as on the tag pages.

For this reason, all articles should contain the excerpt token. When an article includes this token, the site will use the content above the token as the excerpt.

The excerpt token is <!--more-->.

<!-- Sample text generated using -->

You're going back for the Countess, aren't you?
Hey, tell me something.
You've got all this money.
How come you always dress like you're doing your laundry?
Who are you, my warranty?!
Oh sure! Blame the wizards!


You guys aren't Santa!
You're not even robots.
For one beautiful night I knew what it was like to be a
Subjugated, yet honored.
There, now he's trapped in a book I wrote: a crummy world
of plot holes and spelling errors!
Result (tag pages)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

You're going back for the Countess, aren't you? Hey, tell me something. You've got all this money. How come you always dress like you're doing your laundry? Who are you, my warranty?! Oh sure! Blame the wizards!**

rehype-autolink-headings rehype-slug

The site generates an ID for each header written within articles, adding a clickable link icon to them. The site's menu also contains links to each header, for easy navigation.

#### Example Header
Example Header


Custom Plugin

We created a custom plugin for this site that allows you to embed icons into your articles, instead of using Svelte components and potentially breaking your Markdown.

  • Insert an icon: |icon: set-name/icon-name|
  • For set names, see here.
  • For icon names, see here.
  • For a full list of supported sets and icons, see here. We prefer Lucide icons, but you may use any icons you like.

Note: We haven't finished making changes to this plugin. In particular, the following limitations exist:

  • The plugin always inserts icons at a size of 1em.
  • There's no way to provide any extra styles or otherwise customise the icons.
  • While icons line up nicely with text in code blocks, there's more styling work to do.
|icon: lucide/air-vent|
|icon: twemoji/kite|
|icon: simple-icons/discord|

`|icon: lucide/tag| Tag`
`|icon: fa6-solid/user| User`
`|icon: mdi/alert-outline| Warning`

Tag User Warning



When pasted into an article on their own, the site will embed rich versions of some links. This only happens if the OEmbed providers list includes the site the link is from.

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